April 21, 2012


I wonder if this is real...  This necklace says it it made with real coal from the Titanic.  Yes, the boat at the bottom of the ocean.  I'm not so sure.

I want this!  A coffee cup with an octopus inside is just too awesome.

So I went to the hospital Sunday night, vomiting like I was going to die.   Turns out I have a rather nasty version of the stomach flu, and it was not Ebola like I thought.  So here I sit, feverish, chills, sweats, and turning my stomach inside out every few minutes or so, and wishing I felt well enough to go to work tonight.  Thank the Goddess Louis is 5, and fairly self-sufficient.  I am so glad I never got this sick when he was really little.  Maybe I did, but it wasn't for more than 24 hours.  Maybe, like most horrible things about pregnancy, I just forgot.  I was going back through the notebook I had when I was pregnant with Louis, and it sounded awful.  I was constantly peeing myself, and puking.  Also, I felt like crap and slept all the time.  I never left the house and I hurt.  Gods, just reading it makes me want to go get my tubes tied.  I'll pull a Madonna if I want another kid and buy one.   Not really, I'll foster.  There are plenty of kids in this world that don't have anyone to love them.  The best part is, I don't have to spend a year wanting to die, and I can even get a kid thats already potty trained!  I semi-adopted a girl named Rosie a few years ago.  She's a sweet girl with lacking parental figures until later in life, as it were.  She's a good kid, and I hope she knows she can call on me if she ever needs help.

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