April 3, 2015

Ted Saved My Life

I have a new obsession, TedTalks episodes.  I found one by Jane McGonigal talking about quality of life.  She mentioned in the talk her game called SuperBetter.  Its a game using real life things to live a longer better life, especially in the face of chronic pain and disease.
 Here's the video I watched.  Totally work appropriate!  Yay! 

10 years, huh?  So I have to check it out.  I signed up, picked out my secret identity and am raring to go.  So far its fun, we shall see!  I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

So I deactivated my Facebook.  I use it too much to connect with people, when I'm not actually connecting.  I feel like I'm talking and visiting people that I haven't actually seen in years, so I'm changing it up.  I'm forcing myself to go out and actually connect in real life with other humans.  Now all I have to do is actually do it.  Yay!


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